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Welcome to HKU NLP group! We are a group of researchers working on natural language processing in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Hong Kong.
Group members in Hong Kong as of December 2, 2021 @ Victoria Peak
The current focus of the NLP group in HKU includes:
• Pretraining algorithms, including novel objectives, neural network architectures and distillation methods;
• Semantic parsing, natural language interfaces, human-computer interaction (HCI);
• Dialog systems, long text generation and automatic evaluation;
• Machine Translation, especially in the settings of simultaneous and multimodal MT.

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Best Photo Known As Research Interests Favourite Quote Programming Language
Chang Ma, Ph.D. student representation learning, latent variable models, computational biology Research is formalized curiosity. Python
Yiheng Xu, Ph.D. student natural language processing, multimodal pretraining Rise above. Focus on science. Python
Tianbao Xie, Ph.D. student dialog systems, spoken language understanding, pre-trained models, semantic parsing Although with repeated experience of setbacks, I have encountered many difficulties and overcome many difficulties, which make me gradually believe that everything will get better if I insist on it again. However, sometimes I am still moved by these sudden luck and objectively reflect on everything I need to reach this step. Every now and then, I appreciate life, appreciate for its small blessings. Python
Lin Zheng, Ph.D. student natural language processing, structured prediction, latent variable models I visualize a time when we will be to robots what dogs are to humans, and I'm rooting for the machines. - Claude Shannon Python
Qintong Li, Ph.D. student machine learning, natural language processing, knowledge reasoning To make each day count. Python
Jiahui Gao, Ph.D. student collaborator natural language processing, cross-modal(vision-language) learning Be curious. Take risks. Python, R
Qi Liu, Assistant Professor language models, dialogue, graph neural networks, blockchain The best way to predict the future is to create it. Python, Java, LaTeX
Tao Yu, Assistant Professor semantic parsing, dialog systems, natural language interfaces, HCI This guy is too lazy to leave a word so far. Python, LaTeX, SQL
Lingpeng Kong, Assistant Professor representation learning, structured prediction Take pains. Be perfect. - William Shakespeare Python, C++, LaTeX


  • Zhiyong Wu, Ph.D. 2021, HKU. Now: Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
  • Related Links

  • Spider -- Yale Semantic Parsing and Text-to-SQL Challenge
  • DyNet -- The Dynamic Neural Network Toolkit
  • Twitter Natural Language Processing